You can use an essential oil spray for all kinds of things. I have one for me, one for dog babies, one for the curtains/carpet/house…

These kind of sprays are most often used as a deodorant of some kind.
What you want to use them for will determine what oils or carrier you may want to use.
There’s a few things to remember when you’re putting together an essential oil spray.
First – NEVER use essential oils on cats.
If you have a pet other than a dog or cat, please do your research. Some animals just can’t handle essentials oils at all.
Second – Quality Counts

tooth ache.
Here’s a great place to learn about and find essential oils. There’s information here on what the different oils are good for and if you feel so inclined you can buy them here too.
Wherever you decide to buy your oils, be sure you are buying 100% pure essential oils. You don’t want a fragrance. And just remember, if it’s cheap, it’s probably not good quality oil.
A good quality essential oil will usually cost a little more, but that’s because you usually only need a few drops of it. A quality oil is pretty potent and frankly, it’s worth the money.
Make sure whatever you use with your oils is of just as good a quality, especially if you’re using it on your pet or your own skin.
Third – Essential Oils Are Stout
If you’re going to use it on your canine fur baby, only use a few drops. We have about 6 million smell receptors in our nose but your furry baby has about 300 million. A light smell to us is a giant smell to them and we don’t want to overwhelm them or cause discomfort.
I spray a cloud and walk my pups through it. That way it’s just a very light mist. I usually pet them afterwards to help it soak into their coats.
And I make them their own separate spray with very little essential oils in it. Remember it don’t take much.
Here’s a few things to decide on when you’re putting your spray together.
Essential Oils

We all know that different essential oils, just like herbs, are used to support all kinds of different things.
Some will help you relax, or maybe invigorate and wake you up. Others may be supportive of a body function, help alleviate an allergy or other condition or just support your general wellness.
Knowing the purpose for your spray will help you choose the essential oil you’ll want to use. Or maybe you just like the smell of a specific oil or oil blend and want to use it as an air freshener.
Whatever your purpose is, your homemade essential oil stray will be much better than what you would buy at a store. You’ll know exactly what’s in it.
Here’s a few oils to look at, some of which you probably already know about (and remember you can always find more here):
We all know lavender is great for supporting relaxation and easing a weary mind. Find out more about lavender here.
Citrus (orange or lemon)
A citrus scent is perfect for lifting your spirits. When you smell citrus it just makes you feel good.
*Note: If you spray a citrus spray on your skin, wait a while before you go out into the sun. It can make your skin sensitive to the sunlight.
Peppermint is great in helping to relieve headaches or migraines. It’s also been used to temporarily suppress the appetite.
This has been used for thousands of years to enhance your mood.
Helps to reduce nervous tension & occasional fatigue.
Cedar has a warm homey smell. It’s great for using in your house after work to just sit back and relax (especially on a cold night) and it’ll help ground you.
Bonus: insects hate all those oils with heavy smell like cedar, rosemary, basil, and lavender. All those ones we LOVE to smell.
The carrier spray

This is the liquid you will want to put the oils in. This can be water, witch hazel, or a combination of both. You might want to add a touch of a carrier oil too if you’re using it for a person or a dog. Something like almond or coconut oil, depending on what you’re wanting to do.
Adding your essential oil to water is the easiest way to go. After you spray on yourself or carpet or curtains, the water will evaporate leaving the essential oil to do it’s thing and to smell awesome.
Witch Hazel

This is an astringent, meaning when you use it on your skin, it tones and tightens, (think pores). It’s also an antibacterial. When we sweat it’s the bacteria that creates and puts off a smell. You can use Witch Hazel with a few drops of your favorite scent to kill that bacteria which helps remove the smell and then replace it with whatever essential oil you’re using.
I use this as a deodorant. Pair it with the essential oil of an herb that’s also an antibacterial, say….lavender, and you’ve got a pretty good thing going on.
A few drops of carrier oil
This can be any kind of oil really. Olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, just to name a few. In 8 oz of water or witch hazel, you’d only need about 1/8 of a tsp. This oil will help hold the moisture in and it also gives the essential oils something to spread in when you rub it on your skin.
This isn’t really necessary, but it’s a nice luxury that doesn’t cost much to add. You’ll want to make sure you don’t spray this on any cloth or it’ll show and won’t be real easy to wash out.
Mixing Your Essential Oil Spray

regular water for a room spray.
I found out the hard way, that if you mix too much and leave it in your spray bottle, you’ll be using that same essential oil in that bottle forever.
I don’t remember what I originally mixed it for, but I mixed water and lavender oil. Then didn’t use it all. I left some in an 8 ouch spray bottle.
At some point I decided I wanted to use a citrus spray for something and tried washing that bottle out. Yeah, that wasn’t happening. So I bought another bottle.
Tip– Make small batches and use them. Then rinse out your container. If you do that you should be able to use different scents in the same bottle.
So, that means I would say use an 8 oz bottle for a room/carpet/home deoderizer. You might start out with 5-7 drops of essential oil and if you feel you want more, add more. But, remember it doesn’t take much.

If you’re spraying it on curtains or carpet, remember that oil will attach itself to the fabric and it will stay there after the water evaporates. Even if you don’t continue to smell it in the air the next day. Stick your nose to the curtains or carpet, it’s there.
If you’re using it for your dog, I’d use about a 2 oz bottle. I have 5 dogs, so I still use an 8 oz bottle. So that kind of depends on what you have.
Using your spray
For my personal use, I have a 2 oz spray bottle. It’s out of one of those little airline carry packet things you can pick up at the store. It’s a perfect size and has a lid. I use about 3 drops in that.
One thing you need to remember every time you use your spray is to shake it.
Oil and water don’t mix, so every time you use it, you’ll need to mix it together so you get a good mix each time you spray.
Remember to experiment. As you use more oils, look for blend recipes. They’re everywhere. You may find a blend that you really enjoy better than any single oil.
And if you find one, let us know. Maybe we’d like it too.
Hope you all enjoyed this one. I love using my various sprays. Share what you with come up with everyone in the comments.
Until next time…
Health, Wealth & Blessings ~ Tracey