Hi! My name’s Tracey. I’m a country grandma that loves to make homemade things. I’m a wife, a mom and a grandma to 2 great kids and a momma to several fur-babies, all of which are spoiled rotten.

All these things give me lots of reasons to make and create.
I’m a firm believer that if you can’t pronounce it, you don’t want it on you or in you. So, I enjoy learning to make things from scratch when I can. Sometimes what I try works and sometimes it doesn’t, but that’s okay.

I started this site to spark inspiration in myself and others who might be interested in the DIY thing too.
I’m not a big fan of the store bought stuff and sometimes it’s just fun to find a homemade way.
I don’t always make everything from scratch, but I like that when I have the time and the inclination, I can.
When I was a kid my dad liked all things natural and homemade. He was never fond of store bought anything. As a kid, I couldn’t figure it out. Why on earth wouldn’t you just go to the store and buy it? It’s so much easier.
Then my grandkids were born, and all dad’s ideas on homemade everything made a lot more sense to me.
Things are processed so much these days to make it taste better, look pretty, smell good or last forever. It’s crazy. I don’t know what half the ingredients are in anything anymore.

So, I started learning how to making things from scratch.
At first, I started buying organic foods and more foods from local farms. Then I started making more of our own food from scratch. Then I moved on to learning to can food.
I learned to make household cleaners, lotions and shampoos.
Then I discovered herbs and essential oils for health and healing. Since then, I’ve studied herbalism and read everything I can find about adding herbs to our daily lives and using essential oils anytime I can.
At some point I realized how much stress effects our health and I began learning more about self care. I’ve always enjoyed meditation for self care and as a way to relax.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found out just how much more important self care is. So I started learning new techniques and discovered that, once you learn the basics, it’s really not so hard after all. The hard part is learning to take that time for yourself to get it done.
My grand-daughter loves crafts and I want to help grow that creativity and her imagination, and most importantly (in my opinion), that perfection isn’t necessary to make something beautiful.
My grand-son opened a whole new world. I look for things that will intrigue him, besides a computer screen. He loves to play in the dirt, and with rocks and in water so I’m hoping he’ll learn to love playing in the garden someday. I’m crossing my fingers!
I started a new company called Enchanted Herbals.

This company was created out of my desire to find an all natural product to use on my granddaughter and grandson’s eczema when they were babies. I wanted to avoid the chemicals found in the store bought stuff. When I couldn’t find what I wanted, I started making it using the natural power of herbs and flowers. They can be powerful allies.
You can find more information about my products here.
I love sharing these things with anyone else who is looking for the same.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your stay. Drop me a line and say “Hi”. Tell me what you’ve been making.
What was the last thing you make from scratch?
Until Later…
Health, Wealth & Blessings ~ Tracey