I haven’t bought laundry soap in a long time. That’s not to say I don’t have any, but I bought it a long time ago. I have it on hand for when I don’t get a batch of my laundry soap made, which doesn’t happen often.
I try to keep it made, but there times when I just can’t get it done. Each batch makes 2 quarts each, so it last for a while at a tablespoon at a time. This makes it easy to keep around because it lasts for a good long time.
The Ingredients
The ingredients are simple to find and they can make several batches.
Soap: I use Fels-Naptha soap made by Purex. These are 5 oz bars and 1 bar will make 2 quarts of homemade laundry soap. I’ve tried the Dr. Bonners bar soap but the laundry soap didn’t stay creamy, it hardened into a bit more of a solid so it didn’t dissolve as well as this does.
Borax: Is a naturally occurring mineral and salt compound. When powered it’s white and dissolves in water, dissolving better with higher temperatures.
Washing Soda: This is not the same as baking soda, although you can make washing soda from baking soda. Only a few molecules separates the 2, but there is a definite difference. Washing soda is not made for cooking.
The Recipe
While this recipe is a process, it can be split up into small easy portions.
Cut one bar of soap in half.

Chop each half into smaller sized pieces to about the size of a pea. Add each half to it’s own quart jar.
Add 1 cup of boiling water to each quart jar.

At this point you will want to allow the water to cool off. This can be a few hours to a few days. I’ve actually let it set for more than a week at a time.
With a butter knife, cut up the bar of soap in the bottom of the quart jar.
Add 1/2 cup each borax and washing soda to each quart.

Pour boiling water to the shoulder of the jar.

At this point, I will use that butter knife and sort of mix, in a slicing motion, the water, borax and washing soda, with just a few strokes.
Then I use a stick blender (because it fits in a wide mouthed quart jar) and mix on high until you reach a consistency that’s kind of like mayo.

Make sure you mix all the way to the bottom.
Watch the jar, if you mix shortly after pouring the hot water in the jar, the jar will get hot fast.
And there you have it…your first batch of laundry soap.

I use about a tablespoon per normal load of laundry. I’ve used it in cold water and warm water and it’s worked in both.
I’ve also used this as a stain remover and it’s worked for me there too. Just put a small amount on the stain and rub it together, then throw it in the wash as normal.
If you’ve tried a different recipe you think is great, I’d love for you to share it in the comments below. If you want to give this one a try, let me know how it turns out below too.
Be sure to share this post with anyone you may know, who can use it.
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And finally, if you have something you would like me to try, drop me a line.
Until next time……Health, Wealth & Blessings ~ Tracey