What If I Don’t Have Time to Make it From Scratch?

Rose moss

I love making all that I can from scratch to avoid all the weird stuff in the store bought stuff these days. But sometimes I don’t have time to make it from scratch.

I used to beat myself up a lot because I worked really hard to make it all from scratch. I’d learn something new and I thought, “Now I never have to buy it again”.

Veggies sauteing in a cast iron skillet.
Starting supper

But then life would get in the way. Between a full-time job, the drive time to and from work every day and just keeping house, doing laundry and cooking as many meals as I can, there just aren’t enough hours.

It would really bother me when I needed something and I had to buy it because there wasn’t time to make it.

Do you ever feel like that?

I had to work hard at letting that go.

I can’t imagine trying to do all the things I do now if I had kids at home. I’m so in awe of those mothers with one or more kids at home that work a job, take care of a house and still make anything from scratch.

Those moms (and probably some dads too) need some major kudos. If this is you, please share a few tips on how you keep your head above water. I’m sure someone else can use them too.

City view
My view all day long.

It took time to convince myself, it’s okay to not be able to do it all. Although it still frustrates me.

I didn’t want to work frantically to get it all done and then be frazzled from working so hard. What I really wanted, is to get a fair amount done and then sit outside and enjoy our farm.

Evening on the patio
Evening on the patio.

I work in an office all day. At 8:30 am I get to work and I don’t leave the building until 5:30 pm. I truly have no desire to be inside any more than absolutely necessary when it’s decent outside. Living in Kansas, for the biggest part of the year you can be outside, even if you have to wear a coat.

I like sitting on our patio looking at my garden and the yard and enjoying the feeling that this is ours, watching the dogs run and play and just listening to the birds.

But the guilt I got from spending that time outside enjoying the place, kind of countered my enjoyment of it.

It took some time, but I finally got there.

I read story after story of other people who did homesteading. Constantly making their own stuff and cooking from scratch, growing a garden and tending to animals.

Not all, but a big portion of those people that I read about, were full-time homesteaders and didn’t work an off the farm job. They work, and they work hard, but for the most part they work on their farm.

Rose moss
One of my patio flowers.

The people who do have jobs, aren’t always able to do everything from scratch, just like me. But I didn’t seem to notice that so much.

I ‘d love to be one of those on the farm, full-time homesteaders one day. And that’s my goal …. some day.

But, until then, I’ll do what I can from scratch and when I don’t have the time or the gumption, I’ll just have to buy the best quality I can buy. I’ll enjoy my flowers, watch the dogs play and just enjoy being home.

I’m learning to live seasonally.

That’s not an easy thing to do. I was raised in a grocery store. Mom and dad had a garden and as much as dad didn’t like store bought, mom really didn’t mind it so much.

She cooked from scratch and grew the garden and we ate from the garden most of the time, but when mom wanted something out of season she had no problem going to the store to buy it. I don’t think dad even thought about that too much.

When you’re used to having anything you want and any time of the year you want it, you never actually think about if it’s in season or not.

As I decided I wanted to be more seasonal, working towards growing our own food and being more sustainable, I realized we didn’t eat that way at all. I also realized that took a lot more cooking. The kind of cooking I didn’t know much about.

So I continue to learn, I continue to do what I can and when I can’t get it all done, I get over it.

Some day I hope to be that full-time homesteader, that completely sustainable, able to enjoy the outside during the working hours homesteader, so I can get things done on my schedule.

But until then, I’ll do the best I can and relax and just enjoy the process.

Until later –

Health, Wealth & Blessing ~ Tracey

Never Enough Time

Do any of you feel like there’s just never enough time? Between the day job and taking care of the garden, taking care of what comes out of the garden, keeping up laundry and the house, oh and cooking some supper and having dishes to eat on, that leaves about 30 min to sleep.

Okay, maybe it’s not that bad, but sometimes it feels like it.

Last weekend, I took one day with my grandkids. We played, watched moves and then went to my company party.

Me and the grandkids at the co party.
Having a snack at the company party.

We had a ton of fun just hanging out and watching movies, brushing hair and just doing “stuff” last Saturday. They always make my weekend, no matter what we’re doing.

That left Sunday as the only time I had left to get stuff done over the weekend.

Many jars of infused oils.
Infused oils. I love just looking at them.
Calendula infused sweet almond oil.
Calendula infused sweet almond oil

I started by straining the infused oils that were ready.

These oils had sat and infused at least a month and some of them as much as 3 months.

I think they turned out beautifully. Most of the golden ones are calendula and sweet almond oil, 1 pint is calendula and coconut oil and the green one is lavender and coconut oil.

Lavender infused coconut oil.
Lavender infused coconut oil.

I’ll make some salves, lotions and maybe some chap stick with these. I’ll probably leave a little bit as it is and use it just as an oil too.

We discovered this year that we really like breaded, fried okra. I grew up with the old boiled okra, and had learned I hated it.

After the boiled stuff, I never had the nerve to try it any other way, until this year.

So this year, we grew some okra for my daughter-in-law and decided we had to try it. Wow, is that better than the boiled stuff.

This weekend we had about 6 gallons of okra that needed to be processed. My plan was to dry some and bread and freeze some for use in the winter.

That way we could just use however much we wanted at a time.

I only have chest freezers so I could only freeze one tray at a time. They need to freeze in a single layer. So that took all day.

Left over fried okra.
Guess what was for supper tonight. Well, at least part of it.

While the breaded okra was freezing, I cut and set some up on the dehydrator. I filled 8 of the 9 shelves in my new dehydrator.

Using the time I had tonight to get a couple more things done.

Freshly made sweet pickles.
Making more pickles.

Tonight I made more sweet pickles for my husband’s sandwiches. Boy, did I start something. He loves those things and reminds me regularly when he’s getting low.

From the dehydrator I jarred up a little under a gallon of dried okra.

I now have enough okra to probably last us the winter. But…..it’s still growing. I’ll be giving some of that away this weekend.

Jarred okra.

This dehydrated okra makes a pretty decent snack. If you salt it a little before you dehydrate it, it’s a nice crunchy snack. My mom would have really like it.

Time or the lack thereof.

Anyway, my point here is, once the garden starts coming in and you have to start putting up the goodies, time runs away from you. It feels like there’s just never enough time.

I try really hard with “to do” list, to make sure I’m not running in circles. I’m even crossing stuff off my list. But it feels like I’m adding as much as I’m crossing off.

I guess that’s just how it goes. Mark off 1, add 2.

Extra days

I’m taking off this coming Friday to catch up on things that I can’t get done on the weekend. I’ve done this several times this year.

It used to be taking vacation time to work, even at home, would have really irked me. But not anymore. These days it makes me smile.

I really enjoy putting it all together, trying to put up more and more of our own food every year. And I really don’t mind just getting stuff done here at home, whatever that might be.

Now if I can find a way to ditch the day job…..

How do you get everything done. Or do you? If you have a secret on how to find more time, I hope you’ll share here. I know there has to be some kind of cool method out there…..maybe.

Let me know what you’re up to in these last days of summer.

I’m really hoping to get back to some kind of trial and/or error next week. Maybe a cracker or maybe even some mustard. I’ve been working on both.

Until next time-

Health, Wealth & Blessings ~ Tracey